Edward William Treadaway Hoare — Lodge of Perseverance No. 164, Sidmouth

Lodge Minutes Mentioning EWTH

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Extracts from Minute Books

Wednesday 3
:  rd July 1901 — First visit to 164. At the same meeting it is recorded :-"W.Bro. Mitchell (W.M) proposed and W.Bro J A Orcherd (Treasurer) seconded as a joining member W. Bro. Edward William Treadaway Hoare of Musbury House, Axmouth, Devon. Past Master Cranbourne 1580, Past Master Claremont 1861, IG 494, MM 1181"

Cranbourne Lodge1580 now meets at Ashwell house 167 Verulam Rd. St Albans

Claremont Lodge 1861 now meets at Masonic Hall, Oakfield Road, Croydon.

Virtue and Honour Lodge No 494 meets at Masonic Hall, South Street Axminster

De La Pole Lodge 1181 meets at Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Seaton

It is (and was) usual for visitors to visit a Lodge several times before being proposed for joining membership. The fact that he TH was proposed on his first visit by the WM and Treasurer would tend to indicate that he was already well known locally.

At the next meeting on Wednesday 2nd October 1901 :- " A ballot was taken for the election, as a joining member of W.Bro. Edward William Treadaway Hoare and proved unanimously in his favour. Bro. Hoare suitably acknowledged the compliment paid him.

Wed. 6th Nov 1901 :- TH attended and seconded a proposition

He missed December1901 and attended on Wednesday 1st January 1902 when he again seconded a proposition

Wed. 5th Feb :- TH attended, acted as Senior Warden (pro tem) and again seconded a proposition.

Wed 5th March 1902 :- attended and kept a low profile for a change!

Wed. 2nd April 1902 :- attended and gave "Address to Initiate"

Wed. 7th May 1902 :- attended, explained "2nd degree working tools" and seconded 2 propositions

Wed. 4th June 1902 :- attended, proposed one motion and seconded 2 others.

Wed. 2nd July 1902 ( Annual Installation meeting) :- attended and appointed Director of Ceremonies (DC). (This, after less than one year of membership, is exceptional. Also this is the first time that TH appears in the Minutes hyphenated. Previously what appeared as Treadaway Hoare now appears as Treadaway-Hoare and appears as this until 1911.

Wed 1st October 1902 (next meeting) T-H attended and it is recorded "A communication was read from the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons asking for the support of the Lodge at the next Anniversary Festival of the Institution to be held on 25th February 1903. In the course of discussions W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare said, in the event of the Lodge deciding to support either the above or the Boys or girls Institution he should be pleased to add his Ten Guineas to that of the Lodge and represent them as a Steward. The WM thanked W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare for his generous offer." (Compare this offer of Ten Guineas (Ten pounds Ten Shillings) to the charity collection at the end of the next meeting which raised 7 shillings and 9 pence from 15 members present.)

5th November 1902 :- attended and "A letter was read by bro. F. Farrant JW as to the lodge subscribing to the Devon Fund for Aged Widows but it was resolved to let the matter stand over until the next annual festival. W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare generously offered to give 5 shillings to start a subscription to the Devon charity"

Dec 1902 / Jan 1903 did not attend but sent a letter apologising for his non-attendance in January

Wed. 4th February 1903 :- " W.Bro Orchard brought before the Lodge the unfortunate position of Bro. T Oakes, who, he said had been a most regular subscriber to the Lodge, but through the misfortune of business was now reduced in circumstances. Having relations in South Africa he begged for assistance to enable him to proceed there. W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare moved that an application for his relief to the Benevolent Fund be signed by the brethren and forwarded to the proper quarters. This was seconded by bro. Beswick and carried. The WM expressed the sympathy of the brethren to Bro. Oakes in his misfortune.

4th March 1903 — absent

1st April 1903 — attended and seconded a proposition

6th May 1903 — attended, proposed a motion and seconded another

3rd June 1903 — attended, proposed a motion, seconded another

1st July 1903 ( annual Installation meeting) — attended and reappointed DC

7th October 1903 — absent

4th November 1903 — attended, seconded a proposition

2nd December 1903 — attended and took part in Initiation ceremony also recorded that "Communications were then received from the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institutions for Girls and Boys respectively. W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare announced that it would give him pleasure to subscribe Ten Guineas to a like amount from the lodge and to act as their representative as Steward at the annual festival of the Girls Institution to be held on 11th may next. On the motion of W.Bro. J A Orchard seconded by the WM W. Bro. Treadaway-Hoare was thanked for his generous offer.

T-H then was absent from the 6th Jan 04, 3rd Feb 04, 2nd March 04, 30th March 04, 6th April 04 meetings. No apologies recorded. Quite unusual, even unacceptable, for a DC.

27th April 1904 — present, no comments made re previous months.

4th May 1904 — absent

1st June 1904 — absent but "W.Bro. J A Orchard then moved and W.Bro. Rosenstock seconded and it was carried unanimously that the hearty congratulations of the Lodge be passed to W.Bro. E W Treadaway-Hoare on the honour he had received by his appointment of Provincial Junior Grand Warden in the Province of Hertford.

(This high "active" rank could indicate that he was active masonically in Hertfordshire thereby explaining his absences from Devon).

6th July 1904 — Annual installation meeting :- absent but reappointed DC

Absent for the next 10 meetings October 04 to June 05 inclusive

5th July 1905 — Annual installation meeting :- attended but not as the DC. He is listed amongst the "ordinary" W.Bros. This would indicate he had resigned as DC during the year but there is no record in the Minutes. Strangely (to me) he was reappointed DC

Absent for next 8 meetings October 2005 to May 2006 inclusive

6th June 1906 — still absent but recorded "The WM proposed, W.Bro. J A Orchard seconded and it was unanimously agreed that a vote of congratulations be accorded W.Bro. E W Treadaway- Hoare PPrJGW (Herts) on the occasion of his marriage which took place on Whit Monday together with the hearty good wishes of the brethren for the happiness of the newly wedded couple. The secretary was instructed to communicate this to W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare"

4th July 1906 — Annual Installation meeting :- absent again. He was not reappointed DC. A letter was read from W.Bro. Treadaway-Hoare thanking the brethren for their kind wishes for the welfare of his wife and self.

16th July 1906 — absent again. A "Lodge of Emergency" specifically to debate the setting up of a Lodge of Mark Masons.. A letter was read from T-H of Boro House, Musbury in favour of the proposal.

Absent then until 6th July 1910 — annual Installation meeting when T-H is recorded as being a visitor from De La Pole Lodge No. 1181, Seaton. This would indicate that he has resigned from Perseverance 164 but there is no record in the Minutes. The fact he has visited shows he has not parted acrimoniously.

Absent again until 5th July 1911 — annual Installation meeting — when he visited as W.Bro. E.W.T. Hoare from Virtue and Honour No. 494, Axminster.

Absent again until 10th July 1912 — annual Installation meeting — when he again appears as W.Bro. E.W.T. Hoare.

There is then no mention of TH until 7th January 1920 when he writes in requesting a "clearance certificate" which was granted. He was obviously wishing to join another Lodge (perhaps in Southbourne?) and needed the clearance certificate from 164 to show he was in good standing with the Lodge of Perseverance.

There is no further mention of TH in our minutes up to 1930. I went this far in case his new lodge, wherever it was, requested our support assisting his widow or son.